The shampoos of psoriasis: is the most effective, how to wash the head

Psoriasis on the head, usually will not damage the hair, but that is manifested severe itching. By scratching papules the patient hurts the deck, and in their place appear new elements. To avoid the deterioration of the symptoms of the disease, doctors prescribe special shampoos. These tools have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, medications anti-fungal properties.

shampoo the psoriasis

Types of shampoos for psoriasis

If during a serious illness, the plates become opaque, are covered by the cortex, are distributed throughout the head. The foci appear in the line of growth of hair. The items can go in the front and the ears. The main problem of this disease is cosmetic deficiencies in the form of scaling, that lead to the violation of the socialization. An even more serious problem for the patient can be unbearable itching.

Many topical tools or phototherapy are ineffective in psoriasis of the scalp: the hair prevent the contact of medicinal substances with injuries.

The mantle of the head needs more tender nursing. Shampoos collected on the basis of the substances that perform these steps:

  • manage the pain;
  • soften;
  • the inflammation;
  • get rid of the fungi.

What shampoo wash a head in the psoriasis? The most popular and recognized types of shampoos are listed below:

  • tar;
  • anti-fungal;
  • of therapeutic drugs;
  • cosmetics;
  • children;
  • hormonal.

Before application it is necessary to study the composition of the tool. In the shampoos are sodium lauryl, which possesses high skin hardness. It aggravates the inflammation, the destruction of the protection of the cover. Fragrance, dyes, preservatives can cause irritation and allergies, that when the condition is not valid.

The best option for the patient with psoriasis of the scalp — products hypoallergenic with extenuating components glyceryl Monooleate, Cocoamid of the DEA, the Concentration of sodium Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate, and others. Usually are neutral or kids shampoos.

The more efficient the substance of these products: tar, salicylic acid, plant extracts, natural oils.

Shampoos medicinal

In the treatment of the shampoos of psoriasis contains components that help to eliminate the symptoms of the pathology (zinc, Ichthyol, salicylic acid).

Are also effective products with zinc (form zinc, fungicide and anti-bacterial properties). Substance capable of decreasing the production of skin cells, reduce the manifestations of flaking and itching. Pyrithione zinc, one of the safest of the medicinal constituents from the shampoos, because it has less side effects and will not harm the hair. It can be applied in the periods of remission of the prevention, but only under medical prescription.

Tar shampoos

Tar shampoo where psoriasis is quite effective and inexpensive tool. But some patients may forego its use because of the pigmentation of the skin, the hair and the pungent smell. In the composition contains a sheet of birch, fir, juniper coal. The active substances fall into the sore covered, removed all the alarming symptoms of the disease: burning, peeling, itching. There are shampoos for different concentrations: 1%-20%. They are normally used two times a week. Tar shampoos are less effective than hormonal methods or healing, but the side effects and spontaneous recurrence of the pathology of the patients notice least, after application.

The tar inhibits the dna synthesis of the cells, corrects the defect in differentiation of the keratinocytes to the sick of psoriasis, has antimicrobial, antibacterial.

Shampoos anti-fungal

The action of the shampoos with antifungal activity effect usually does not directly target the release of psoriasis. But by yeast fungi (especially of the genus Candida, Malassezia) can grow and become one of the factors that cause pathology due to inflammation and the traumatisation of the cover.

These shampoos successfully struggle with a fungal infection. It is very effective complex of antifungal media and local corticosteroids. Anti-fungal products for psoriasis in the head include:

  • pyrithione zinc, selenium sulfide, propylene glycol;
  • synthesis;

Hormonal shampoos psoriasis

Hormonal shampoos to relieve inflammation and itching, which constrict blood vessels. The positive results are produced quickly, the side effects if applied correctly, almost not found. But in the use of such media must be no more than four weeks.

hormonal shampoo

Most effective propionate 0.05%, betamethasone dipropionate 0,05%. Are classified in the group of strong and effective steroid with high risk of occurrence of side effects.

Shampoos for children

In the products of the psoriasis for children there is no content of fragrances, dyes harmful components. In good child champ are only medicinal substances and healthy, which have more beneficial effects on the skin of the head of a child with psoriatic of the sintomatologa.

Effective shampoo of psoriasis can assign only one specialist. Incorrect therapy will lead to relapse and multiple complications.